fredag 27 oktober 2017

Bitcoin - The road to freedom

I believe every human is the sole ruler of their own body. I think people who don’t agree on the non-aggression principle are evil and that those who say government today isn’t an infringement on that moral stand have been subjected to too much government propaganda.

The evidence of capitalism’s greatness is undeniable. Unfortunately there have only been a few places, for a brief period of time, where free will has been allowed to rain.

After America got defeated by the idea of democracy and socialism, the beacon of freedom that once shined so bright faded and we entered what I like to call the libertarian dark ages. It wasn’t until the invention of the internet that liberty drew blood again. The internet alone wasn’t enough to escape authoritarian power but it was a huge leap forward, freeing up information from gate keepers like the television and newspapers. With the internet freedom struck on a global scale and maybe, just maybe, Bitcoin will take us all the way to the Promised Land.

Bitcoin hasn’t stood the test of time, but so far I think it’s fair to say it has performed beyond almost anyone’s belief. Bitcoin is and has been for a solid few years now, the free market’s currency of choice. Anyone with sufficient tech-skills can set up a marketplace on the decentralized web-browser TOR and choose which/if any rules the users most follow. If you pirate movies/music you know that decentralization is k(c)ryptonite to the powers at be.

Since Bitcoin is a decentralized and anonymous value transmitter, the power to tax dies with fiat currency. If politicians can’t spend more than what they can collect from voluntary donations then government as we know it seizes to exist. Both people and politicians would have to change their view about what the governing body ought to do be doing, now that it’s operating without the power to steal.

I’m surprised politicians haven’t begun to spew out more anti-bitcoin propaganda yet, since this cryptocurrency thing is getting kind of major, but then again they are a slow moving bunch. Hopefully it will be a peaceful revolution but it wouldn’t surprise me if the state goes down swinging. Actually I can’t imagine anything else. But regardless of their efforts to hold on to their ill-gotten power, I think decentralization and Bitcoin will come out on top in the end.

I believe the price of BTC will go to the moon in the process, but what I’m most excited about is getting freedom here on earth.

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